Our Philosophy
The way the current conventional landscaping industry operates is everything but sustainable.
As much as conventional agriculture does, conventional landscaping pollutes our every day life with synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, gas exhaust, and creates labour intensive gardens.
With the right practices and design, a garden can be a healthy ecosystem that is self-sustaining with very minimal outside energy input, and akin to an old established and resilient forest.
Gourmand Gardens offers you the opportunity to bring your garden back to life, perform ecological restoration, or simply start a new food forest based on the needs of your family. We believe that gardens can be useful AND beautiful!
The philosophy of Gourmand Gardens is based on the Permaculture principles, and you can rest assured that we will care for the Earth, with the idea of working together with you to restore the ecology of your landscape, rather than simply make a profit.
Gourmand Gardens does not use any gas-powered tools and operates, only when necessary, professional quiet battery-powered tools. This is done to maintain energy balance and keep air and noise pollution to a very minimum.
Paul-Antoine Trompette
MSc. Agroecology
Paul-Antoine has over ten years of experience and education in creating sustainable ecological landscapes, having worked in many different climates and continents and on varying scales--from farms to small urban gardens. His passion, moreso than gardening, is transmitting knowledge so that others may learn to love growing their own food and sustenance while protecting and enhancing biodiversity.